High School English

HEED English classes are taught at an advanced level. For example English 9 can be
considered an honors grade 9 or a regular grade 10 high school credit.
Honors English 9
(Can be used for English 10)
Mrs. Andrea Gardner​
Materials fee: $50.00​
Course Description:
This course is designed for ninth grade students who desire a solid foundation in grammar, writing, and literature comprehension. Students will learn the basics of grammar, build vocabulary, and establish the groundwork for future literary criticism. The course will focus on developing each student into a strong writer by using the six traits of writing: content, organization, voice, word choice, sentence fluency, and conventions. Students will practice all types of writing including descriptive, expository, persuasive, and narrative. An MLA checklist and rubric will be used to grade all compositions objectively. Students will practice all types of writing. Grammar instruction will include parts of speech, parts of the sentence, and basic usage and conventions. All worksheets for grammar, vocabulary, composition, and literature are provided on Toolbox. We will also examine and evaluate literature from a Christian perspective. Students should expect to work a minimum of two hours a day outside of class. A diagnostic writing and grammar test will be required for admission to the class.
Parental Involvement:
Please be prepared for weekly writing, reading, vocabulary, and grammar assignments. In addition, parents should be prepared to be involved in grading; parents will be responsible for grading literature questions for completion only, and grammar homework. Parents will enter the grades for these assignments. The specific editions of The Hiding Place and The Odyssey must be purchased without exception since portions will be read in class and the homework questions are coordinated with these editions. Students and parents enrolling in this course must have access to a word processing program and possess basic computer skills. Families must also have a reliable printer.
Required Curriculum:
Instructor provides the additional curriculum for this class for a $50.00 curriculum fee. The Odyssey by Homer; translated by W.H.D. Rouse, The Hiding Place by Corrie Ten Boom by John and Elizabeth Sherill, Literature books for class may be bought new or used and/or checked out from your local library. There will be plenty of notice as to when you need to get your copy. (Tentatively tests will be completed on ScanTron forms which will be available from the instructor.)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED Middle School English 8 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.
​​Honors English 10
(Can be used for English 11)
Mrs. Amy Frank
Materials fee: $50.00​
Course Description:
This course is designed for tenth grade students. The course is comprised of vocabulary and grammar studies in addition to extensive instruction in literature and writing. The class will examine and evaluate classic stories, theological writings, and poetry from various periods in literary history. The emphasis will be on literature as both art and artifact. Students will also read five books that they choose for themselves. There is also a required summer reading component. Students will complete short weekly writing assignments, respond to journal prompts requiring research, and compose full-length essays. They will also be given some creative writing and project options. Students will format their papers according to the guidelines set forth in the newest edition of the MLA Handbook. They should expect to work a minimum of one hour per day outside of class.
Parental Involvement:
Parents are responsible for reading over written compositions, scoring grammar assignments, and verifying the completion of vocabulary and other assignments. Families must also have reliable Internet access, an email account, Microsoft Word, and a working printer.
Required Curriculum:
Instructor provides the additional curriculum for this class for a $50.00 curriculum fee. Literary works and independent selections for the class may be bought new or used.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED English 9 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.
​Honors English 11
(Can be used for English 12)
Mrs. Brittnye Arthur
Materials fee: $50.00​
Course Description:
This course is designed for the eleventh grade student. The student will read and discuss from each of the four genres of literature: poetry, prose, drama, and nonfiction with regular writing assignments. Grammar instruction will focus on the concepts required for the SAT. Each novel/play in the course will culminate in essay composition. The student will be led toward advanced levels of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of literature. The course also includes guided instruction on a formal research paper in MLA format as well as a college admissions-style essay. This course requires about 100 pages of reading per week as well as four hours per week of additional writing and grammar. Students should expect to work a minimum of one hour per day outside of class. A diagnostic writing and grammar test will be required for admission to the class. Past HEED students have found this class to be most beneficial in preparing them for the SAT and college English.
Parental Involvement: Parents are encouraged to read along with the student and engage in literary discussions at home, but it is not required. Parents are expected to monitor student progress and time management at home. Success in this course is dependent upon the student maintaining consistent daily reading and study schedule. Students enrolling in this course must have a word processing program and possess basic computer skills, have access to the Internet, and Microsoft Word/Power Point.
Required Curriculum:
Instructor provides the additional curriculum for this class for a $50.00 curriculum fee. Literature books for class may be bought new or used. *Literature is subject to change at instructor’s discretion*
The Ultimate Guide to SAT Grammar by Erica L. Meltzer 6th Edition ISBN: 13:978-1733589598,
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde, Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, Other works TBD.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED English 10 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.
Honors English 12 = Dual Enrollment / College English
This course is our Palm Beach Atlantic University college English dual enrollment class.
Classes are held at our East Boca location.​ A maximum of 29 college credits can be taken through the Palm Beach Atlantic University Dual Enrollment program. Students are permitted to also dual enroll through other colleges and universities. Once tuition and fees have been paid, they are nonrefundable and nontransferable.
Courses: ENG 1113 and ENG 1123​
Students must have completed HEED English 11 Honors or be a graduating senior with a placement test evaluation.
Earning: (2 credits of High School English & 6 College Credits)
Prerequisites: Successful completion of HEED English 11 or proficiency as demonstrated on placement test.​ Students must be in 11th or 12th grade with a high school GPA of 3.0 or higher. Students do not need to take an SAT or ACT to dual enroll with HEED/PBA.
ENG 1113 English Composition I Fall
Course Description:
(3 credit hours) Introduction to academic expository prose with emphasis placed upon the writing process: defining and developing topics, organizing information and writing drafts, and revising and editing to practice the fundamentals of expository structure and style. Practice in the application of rhetorical patterns as well as review of grammar. Also includes practice in the fundamental techniques of writing and revision. Grades given are A, B, C, or Y (conditional incomplete—to be satisfied by repeating the course).
Curriculum Required:
The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises: 2021 MLA Update (4th Edition) ISBN 0393888967 and Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide (15th Edition) ISBN 1319243797.
ENG 1123 English Composition II Spring
Course Description:
(3 credit hours) Intermediate expository and argumentative prose with emphasis placed on refining analytical reading skills, developing an informed approach to the research paper, and applying the rules and conventions of English prose. Note: Composition I and Composition II must be completed sequentially within the same academic year. In order to fulfill the requirement of the courses in the university core, students must earn at least a “C” in each course.
Curriculum Required: The Little Seagull Handbook with Exercises: 2021 MLA Update (4th Edition) ISBN 0393888967 (SAME AS ENG 1113) and Literature and the Writing Process (11th edition with the 2016 MLA Update) edited by McMahan, et al. (ISBN: 9780134678757)​